SMSC & Fundamental British Values
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is at the heart of all aspects of school life and is promoted through all subject areas of the curriculum, through the ethos of the school and through all interactions and relationships.
Our Vision and Ethos are at the core of everything we do and crucial to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development for all learners.
Spiritual - developing a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them e.g. through a Science experiment or an activity in the Forest Skills area.
Moral - understanding what the right thing to do is e.g. in a Citizenship lesson about looking after the school environment.
Social - using a range of social skills in different contexts e.g. getting along with others in a mixed Enrichment group.
Cultural - showing understanding and respect for different faiths and cultural diversity e.g. on a visit to a place of worship.
We also include Character Education, Cultural Capital, Building Learning Power and Baginton Values under the 'umbrella' heading of SMSC.
Character Education - the development of virtues such as courage, honesty, generosity and humility e.g. taking part in an event to raise money for charity.
Cultural Capital - developing individuals who are knowledgeable about a wide range of popular cultures e.g. being able to use modern technology.
Building Learning Power - developing the 4 ‘learning muscles’ of Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness, Reciprocity e.g. developing resilience and an 'I can' attitude in PE.
Baginton Values - our opinions and choices are important e.g. 'My View' as part of my Annual Review meeting.
Autumn Term 2023